terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011

Plataforma Kune, pronta

Depois de anos de trabalho, finalmente os espanhóis Vicente Jurado, Samer e outros amigos terminaram sua hercúlea tarefa de desenvolver a plataforma Kune (juntos em Esperanto) esta semana. Gente boa demais, eles trabalham colaborativamente para gerar mais possibilidades de os trabalhos colaborativos se desenvolverem. Este é um dos resultados a que chegaram:

a post from Samer explaining our last efforts:

e a demo (beta) aqui:


"Hi there friends,

After so much work these years, we finally started today to give some
diffusion to the public of our project Kune.

You can see an brief intro here (thanks to Samer and Rana):
a post from Samer explaining our last efforts:

and a demo (beta) here:

Our last idea is to try to mix all our efforts, that is:
- To integrate Move Commons in kune (having a wizard similar to the
license wizard) so groups can define themselves (like can define how
share its works).
- The integration of troco as a barter system allowing to people that
want to participate to show the service/goods they share... (and allow
to search then).
- Massmob integration allowing to organize meetings/flashmobs/etc
between the members of a group/project/initiative.

there are already a lot of work to do, but seems that it's a good
"start". Now with the difficult parts developed, it's easy and fast to

We started to see some nice comments, for instance some one in the Wave
mailing list:
«That looks very very impressive - probably the most significant
wave-federating project I've seen and certainly not only a wonderfull
tool in itself, but a big boast to wfp in general!»

and after such big effort, it's very pleasant to read it.

Anyway thanks to all for your comments, support, etc, etc, etc. Feedback
and comments welcome.

Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado"

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